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PREY2 Troubles

by skyfox 2013. 6. 8.


In November 2011, production on Prey 2 came to a permanent full-stop. Disagreements between its developer and publisher caused a chain reaction that ultimately led to the death of Human Head’s version of Prey 2, the rights to which have since reverted back to Bethesda and allegedly landed in the lap of Dishonored developer Arkane.

But what happened to Prey 2, and why did political friction lead to the demise and apparent reassignment of an impressive open-world action game? IGN spoke with multiple sources with intimate knowledge of Prey 2 and the relationship between Human Head and Bethesda to find out.


2011년 11월 돌아오기론 프레이 2 하지만 영구적으로 모든게 중단 되었고 개발자와 출판사 사이의 의견불일치로 의해 언제즘 다시 되돌아 올지 모른다고 합니다
