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쥬세리노 2019년 11월 라틴어 예언록 원문

by skyfox 2019. 11. 2.

November 2019 forecasts by Jucelino Luz
(dreams are not predestinations)

1 – The economy in Argentina will be in a difficult situation after the elections, the collapse is very close, banks in red, the stock market may fall sharply – these problems hidden from the Americans, and may lead to a fall in the market and an increase in unemployment in Argentina. and Uruguay

2 – Strong earthquake hits Japan, which can cause much damage in the country; a murder of three people in a hotel will cause fear in the population;

3 – In Brazil, two famous Communication broadcasters, lays off many employees and has problems in accepting and falling audience;
4 – Protests in Venezuela marked with violence and clashes across the country
5 – Storms, floods, hit the south and southeast of Brazil again, with strong winds, floods, landslides (in some regions severe drought) Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná and the Southeast São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, with many bus and truck accidents; In the north of the country is drought (drought) that has caused major fires: Mato Grosso, Goiás and also in several states in Brazil;
6 – Train accident as well as a bus accident causes various damage in India;
7 – In Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina, severe drought, lack of water, windstorms and hangovers affect some regions of these countries;
8 – In Thailand an attack on a Hotel causes many victims in the country near Bangkok;
9 – Swine flu, also influenza will affect Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, China and Hong Kong, Indonesia, India with some cases spreading.
10 – Heavy rain storms, floods and landslides hit India, Sri Lanka, Laos, Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan and Bangladesh leaving victims;

11 – Storms with strong winds, floods will hit Colombia and Bolivia with much destruction;
12 – Storms with high winds, floods hit Jakarta-Indonesia, victimizing many people,



13 – Conflicts in Somalia, Sierra Leone, Sudan can victimize many people and ethnic issues in the country;

14 – A strong earthquake hits China, we will also have strong winds and much destruction;
15 – Heat wave hits Brazil bringing many problems with lack of water and viruses and bacteria;
16 – Strong earthquake hits Australia and New Zealand, potentially causing casualties; and burns will spread in some regions;
17 – New attacks in the US and possible crimes against authorities; Donald Trump may have major losses and possible impeachment approval; will lose the 2020 Elections;

18 – Risk of collapse of old buildings in Rio de Janeiro, which may victimize many people;

19 – Strong earthquake strikes Indonesia, causing damage and casualties near central area

20 – Strong hangover causes damage in England, causing fear and panic in the population; heavy rain showers and possible attack on London;

21 – Strong Earthquake hits Papua New Guinea causing problems;

22 – Wave of cold and heavy snow hits Japan causing problems at airports;

23 – Strong Typhoon could hit Philippines, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Japan and China

24 – Fires in California, Washington, Los Angeles and San Francisco, which can cause problems in the country and Texas with floods, strong winds;

25 – In Thailand, Vietnam, heavy rainfall can wreak havoc and damage the country.

26 – A strong earthquake could hit Afghanistan and do a lot of damage; on the other hand, a terrorist attack could kill more than 30 people in the capital;
27 – In Norway rain and flooding cause death and damage;
28 – Canada, heavy rains and strong winds hit the country.
29 – In the areas of the southern coast and the northern coast of Brazil, major storms and hangovers, City Halls will initiate major changes due to the rising tide that tends to worsen in the coming years affecting buildings in all parts of the world;
30 – A strong explosion in Ukraine Mina can kill many innocents;
31 – In France and Spain heavy rains may cause destruction; and in coastal areas a lot of hangover;
32 – Heavy rain hits Portugal causing damage and problems in various locations with floods and landslides;
33 – In Italy, practically in Milan, Sicily. , Rome. and other regions; heavy rains and winds; And Vesuvius (volcano) keeps loading with larva in a huge underground pot (the volcano could erupt in the near future) and could cause more severe seismic shocks throughout Italy, Naples and central Italy; in the near future (from 2019 to 2026) it could collapse with various buildings in the Vatican due to the strong earthquake…
In addition to new earthquakes, the country suffers from windstorms, heavy rains that spread in some regions causing landslides;
34 – In Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, windy rains, floods and landslides can victimize innocent people in those countries;
35 – In Colombia, we will have rains, will disrupt production and we will have a decrease in the harvest in the country.
36 – Bomb will explode in public place, also strong earthquake hits Russia can cause various damage;
37 – Almost throughout Southeast Asia, it will be hit by high winds, heavy rains, severe heat and in other regions intense cold;
38 – In Turkey terrorist attack can victimize many innocents;
39 – In Slovenia, Slovakia, Serbia, Croatia, Poland and Germany heavy snow. Many roads will be blocked, and half of the schools must close. . ;
40 – Fire hits building in Saudi Arabia, and a strong sandstorm are also recorded in the country;

41 – Strong earthquake hits the Canary Island and moves fear in people;
42. Chile earthquake can cause many victims;
43. Strong Cyclone can strike Bangladesh and cause damage and death there;
Fort Typhoon heads toward Taiwan, Macao, Hong Kong, and China;
45 Ship may sink near the Tyrrhenian Sea in Italy and may have many victims;
46. Storms and floods in Venezuela and Mexico can cause loss of life.








이번달 쥬세리노 노브레가 다 루즈의 예언록에 대한 한국에 대한 게시물은 10번째 동남아시아지역 에서의 폭우와 폭풍 홍수 산사태에 대한 부분으로 적지 않은 이상기후 현상으로 폭우에 대한 부분이 있습니다 이번달 대부분이 이와 같이 폭풍와 이상기후로 인한 게시물 과 지진 화산폭발 테러 순으로 이상기후 현상으로 인한 재난 재해가 많아 보이며 일본에서의 지진과 건물 붕괴로 인한 사고 소식도 게시되었습니다 되도록이면 경계판 부근의 관광지는 가지 않는것이 가장 좋은 방안일듯하며 갑작스러운 이상기후로 인해 고립 침수 붕괴돌 가능성에 대비하여 가까운 대피소와 긴급히 재난재해에 대응할수 있도록 만반의 대비를 해놓는것도 좋은 방안일듯합니다 환절기 시기 기온차가 매우 크고 기관질 환자가 많이 급증하는 시기 입니다 겉옷을 많이 껴입고 더운 벗어두는것이 가장 좋은 방안일듯하며 외출후 손발을 깨끗히 하여 각종 질병질환에 예방할수 있도록 해야될듯합니다 현재 한반도에서도 적지 않은 사고 재난재해가 많이 발생하고 있습니다 항상 안전불감증에 빠지지 않도록 해야되며 , 안전운행과 차량 점검을 통해 갑작스러운 재난재해에 대비할수 있도록 점검하여 안전사고 없도록 해야될듯합니다 항상 안전하고 건강하시기 바라며 안전불감증에 빠져 들지 않도록 노력하시기 바랍니다
